Wind Chill Calculator
Calculate Wind Chill
Wind Chill Results
Enter temperature and wind speed to calculate wind chill
Understanding Wind Chill
Risk Levels
- Normal outdoor activities can be conducted
- No special precautions needed
- Wear warm clothing
- Cover exposed skin
- Minimize outdoor activities
- Wear multiple layers
- Avoid outdoor activities
- Risk of frostbite within minutes
Cold Weather Safety Tips
- Wear layers of loose-fitting clothing
- Cover all exposed skin
- Use a hat and gloves
- Keep clothes dry
Warning Signs
- Shivering
- Numbness or tingling
- Blue or pale skin
- Confusion or drowsiness
About Wind Chill
- Wind chill measures how cold it feels on exposed skin
- Higher wind speeds make it feel colder than the actual temperature
- Wind chill can increase risk of frostbite and hypothermia
- The formula is valid for temperatures at or below 50°F (10°C)