Calories Burned Calculator
Calculate Calories Burned
Moderate pace on level ground
Total Calories Burned
0 calories
For 30 minutes of Walking (3 mph)
Calories Burned Per Hour
0 calories/hour
At your selected intensity
Activity Comparison
Understanding Calorie Burn
What is MET?
Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) is a measure of the energy cost of physical activities:
- 1 MET = Energy used while sitting quietly
- 2 METs = 2x the energy of sitting quietly
- Higher MET values indicate more intense activities
Factors Affecting Calorie Burn
- Body weight and composition
- Exercise intensity
- Duration of activity
- Fitness level
- Age and gender
Tips for Effective Exercise
- Start slowly and gradually increase intensity
- Mix different types of activities
- Stay hydrated during exercise
- Listen to your body
- Maintain proper form