APR Calculator
Loan Details & Fees
Fees and Charges
APR Analysis
Monthly Payment
Total Cost
Total Fees
Understanding APR
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) represents the true cost of borrowing by including both the interest rate and additional fees. It helps you compare different loan offers on an equal basis, even when they have different fee structures.
Common Loan Fees
Origination Fees
Charged by lenders for processing new loan applications
Application Fees
Covers the cost of processing your application and credit check
Broker Fees
Paid to mortgage brokers for finding and arranging your loan
Optional upfront fees paid to reduce your interest rate
APR vs. Interest Rate
- Interest rate only shows the cost of borrowing the principal
- APR includes both the interest rate and other loan costs
- APR is typically higher than the interest rate
- APR provides a more accurate picture of total loan costs
- Required by law to be disclosed to borrowers
- Helps compare loans with different fee structures
Tips for Evaluating Loans
- Compare APRs from multiple lenders
- Ask for a breakdown of all fees
- Consider how long you plan to keep the loan
- Look at both monthly payments and total cost
- Understand which fees are negotiable
- Check if fees can be rolled into the loan